Sparks Logic is designed to help small business owners and individuals navigate the financial markets. We are dedicated to providing the tools and educational courses that keep you informed and up to date on what we feel is going to have the greatest impact on your success.

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Free Membership Registry – This includes a Free Newsletter covering current market trends and their impacts on your financials. After registering you will be redirected to your free newsletter and have access by using the “Member’s Area” tab in the future.

You can upgrade for $8.25 a month to an in depth newsletter focused on a “how to directive.” Covering how to manage your finances, build better relationships with other professional influences, and utilizing illustrative tools that are unique to your particular situation for personal and business use. After Purchasing an upgrade you will be taken back to your “Member Newsletter” where the additional paid material will appear.

Current Members Login through the “Member’ Area” tab at the top of the screen

We not only offer tools to improve your financial situation through our newsletter and SHOP but encourage you to make money promoting our site. Become an Affiliate by clicking HERE, get up to 50% shared revenues!

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